Beth Dulin
Poet | Artist | Writer | Editor

Beth Dulin is a disabled, neurodivergent poet, artist, writer, and editor. She's been living with chronic illness for most of her life and views writing and making art as life-saving measures. Her writing has been published in The American Journal of Poetry, Atlanta Review, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Gargoyle, Little Patuxent Review, New Directions for Women, New York Quarterly, and Wigleaf, among others. Her poetry has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize. In March 2021, she was featured as Yes Poetry’s Poet of the Month. She is the winner of Eastern Shore Writers Association's 2023 Crossroads Poetry & Microfiction Contest. Her art has been exhibited at several creative spaces in Baltimore and New York, including Cold Fish Gallery, G-spot Audio/Visual Playground, Ottobar, and La MaMa Galleria. She is the author of Truce, a limited edition artists’ book, in the collections of the Brooklyn Museum and the Museum of Modern Art. She's an experienced writer and editor, having worked in book and magazine publishing, advertising, marketing and publicity, and the international non-profit sector in the greater New York City and Baltimore/DC metropolitan areas. A graduate of The New School, she lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.